FEB 19, 2022
Even though we won’t be attending Winter Retreat in person this year, we hope you can do something local with your teens. We are encouraging youth groups to schedule a one day event on Saturday, February 19th. If you want to plan something with other youth pastors in your area and host something together, go for it! Down below we have provided a scheduling outline that you can follow if you would like. Be on the lookout for links to the video teaching sessions that VineyardYouthUSA will provide for that day. We hope this can still be a fun and memorable time for your teens.
1:30pm – Groups arrive at their hosting location
2:00pm – Worship (live in-house or video)
2:30pm – Teaching Session 1 (Video from VineyardYouthUSA)
3:00pm – Small Group Discussion (VineyardYouthUSA will provide discussion questions)
3:15pm – Ministry Time
3:45 – Fun activities
5:00pm – Dinner
6:00pm – Worship (live in-house or video)
6:30pm – Teaching session 2 (Video from VineyardYouthUSA)
7:00pm – Ministry time and close